Life and Opinions of R. R. Dadfield

A collection of observations and reminisences from the legendary eccentric and bogus intellectual.

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Location: Toadsuck, Alabama, United States

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Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Thrilling Update

Since my last post I have recieved 241 emails asking why I do not update the blog more regularly. The simple answer is that I cannot be bothered.

Does that satisfy you?

Ironically however, Google (praise be to our Lords and Masters) wouldn't allow me to post the above on its own. So, in the true spirit of blogging, I shall fill up the rest of the post with a load of old rubbish:

Rubbish, rubbish, old rubbish, lots of old rubbish, misinformed rubbish, ill-considered ranting, tedious and bigoted opinions, foolish nonsense, random wittering, misconceived and erroneous lies, shambolic and badly-expressed idiocy, second-hand and ill-thought-through ideas, misinformed and utterly worthless speculation. Rubbish.


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